Food cravings are often a sign that your body is seeking a missing nutrient. You may want to eat chocolate to satisfy a need for magnesium or crave sweets because your body needs carbon or tryptophan. If you crave fatty foods such as cheese, yogurt or oily snacks, it may be your body’s way of telling you that you have a calcium deficiency and need to eat these foods to fulfill it. Although they may fulfill your calcium need, there are other nonbeneficial issues with fatty foods, so seek alternatives to supplement your calcium.
Food Cravings
Food cravings are identified as intense yearnings to ingest a type of food that is difficult to resist. Craving a particular food may be related to hormonal issues, food addictions or an emotional response to stress or other external issues. It may also be a signal that your body is in need of a basic nutrient. A report published in 2009 in the journal "Appetite" found that the amount of food you eat correlates directly with the type of foods eaten. It suggested that while certain foods caused cravings, the over-consumption of those same foods also triggered cravings. For instance, if you eat a lot of cheese, you can trigger a craving for more cheese. A study published in 2011 in "Obesity" found that food cravings, especially in women, diminish during weight-loss programs when the participants changed their food habits and choices, particularly where fats were concerned.
Your body needs calcium to build a strong skeletal system and maintain your teeth, nerve transmission and heart function. It is the key for reducing the risk for osteoporosis; however, it does not need to be taken in high concentrations at one time. Calcium is found in milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream and is available as a supplement in pill or powder form. When coupled with vitamin D, calcium is even more effective than when acquired in food or supplements alone. The drawback to ingesting calcium-rich foods is that many of them are high in fat content.
Fatty Foods
Good fats include olive and canola oils, nuts, fish, avocados and peanut butter. Many calcium-rich fatty foods, especially dairy products, include animal fats and proteins that can cause bone structure loss, also known as osteoporosis. When consuming fatty foods, choose polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Cut the saturated and trans fats, such as those found in most dairy and red meats and increase your intake of healthy fats and dark green vegetables to address your calcium requirements and diminish cravings.
Alternate Calcium Sources
Break a craving for calcium from fatty foods by substituting other sources of calcium in your diet. Broccoli, dark greenm leafy vegetables such as collards, mustard greens and kale, or legumes such as beans and nuts are good sources of calcium, and they do not trigger fatty food cravings that can be detrimental to your good health.
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