Salt has a bad reputation. Too much of it can increase your blood pressure, cause water retention and overwork your kidneys. Still, chances are you’ll get a craving for something salty once in a while. When those cravings attack, resist the urge of go for potato chips. Grab a healthier snack instead. You’ll get your craving satisfied but you’ll also get some vitamins and minerals in the process.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds contain healthy unsaturated fats, including omega-3-fatty acids. They also contain fiber, vitamin E and L-arginine, a substance that can help prevent blood clots, according to MayoClinic.com. Flaxseeds and chia seeds are especially high in omega-3 fatty acids, while pumpkin seeds are a good source of potassium. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E and selenium. Look for packages that read “lightly salted,” so you get just enough salt to satisfy your cravings without exceeding your sodium intake.
Cottage Cheese
Regular cheese is not only high in sodium but also high in saturated fats and calories. Cottage cheese, while also high in sodium, offers more nutritional benefits. Two percent milkfat cottage cheese contains not only calcium, but also phosphorus, vitamin A, potassium and folate. In comparison, other cheeses contain very little folate and potassium.
The key to keeping popcorn healthy is skipping the butter. Choose air-popped popcorn and use a bit of salt or some parmesan cheese to flavor the popcorn. Use your microwave to pop it. That way you don’t need to add any oil to prevent it from sticking or burning. Air-popped popcorn is low in calories but high in healthy whole grains. It also contains fiber and is a good energy source.
Other Foods
A number of other salty foods are healthy if you eat them in moderation. Olives are a good example. Although they’re high in fat, all the fat is unsaturated, which is good for your heart. Other good choices include pickles, mini-pretzels, hummus, canned fish and crackers.
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