Speed skating is a competitive sport requiring exceptional aerobic endurance. Due to a high intensity level, speed skating burns significant calories; the harder the exercise, the more calories it requires to perform. Speed skating may help you lose weight if it tips the scale between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you utilize throughout the day. Get clearance from your doctor before beginning an exercise or weight loss program.
Weight Loss
Aerobic exercise, like speed skating, is one of three ways to burn calories for weight loss, according to the Mayo Clinic website. Strength training and simply moving around during the day uses calories too, but regular aerobic exercise is the most efficient method for losing weight. Even short bursts of exercise lasting 10 minutes can contribute to weight loss. You must burn 3,500 calories for every pound you wish to lose. Depending on how much weight you need to lose, it could take a significant amount of time to reach your goal through exercise alone.
Speed skating burns a high number of calories, but the amount depends on factors like weight and gender. Estimations assume a metabolism speed based on your age, but individual speeds vary. Even so, knowing approximately how many calories speed skating burns allows you to figure out how frequently to exercise to achieve weight loss. Heavier people burn more calories than lighter people. A 130-pound person burns around 885 calories per hour speed skating; a 205-pound burns around 1,396 calories. Gender is also a factor. A 135-pound female burns around 807 calories per hour, but a male burns around 872 calories.
Speed Skating
Taking up speed skating encourages you to lose weight because of the significant physical demands of skating quickly, according to an article on the My Primetime website by Rita Kennen. You need to invest in a pair of skates -- which may cost several hundred dollars -- and safety gear, including a neck guard, shin guards, knee pads and a helmet. Experienced speed skaters wear lycra suits, but if you are uncomfortable wearing skintight clothing you may instead opt for a long-sleeved shirt and pants that are less revealing.
To assist with your weight loss efforts, lower your caloric intake. Your doctor or a nutritionist can best work with you to develop a new eating plan with a target calorie range. To eat fewer calories, substitute high-calorie items like doughnuts and chips with low-calorie foods, such as peanuts or popcorn, recommends the Mayo Clinic website. Eat smaller portions and skip one high-calorie food per day, like a piece of pizza or a blended coffee drink. Combining caloric restriction with speed skating creates a larger deficit of calories to speed up weight loss.
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