الأحد، 8 يناير 2012

Anthony Weiner wanted a threesome with another man, woman claims

Despite his resignation five months ago, Anthony Weiner's name is still popping up in headlines; for one thing, there was the recent birth of his son. (Mazel tov, Anthony.) For another, his surname was and will always be hilarious when it pops up in a headline. Unfortunately for Weiner, this is also because Traci Nobles — one of several women the former Congressman flirted with electronically — is leaking samples of the dirty chats she had with Weiner in order to promote a tell-all memoir.

(Side note: does anyone at all want to read a memoir about a short relationship that existed almost entirely of sexting? Even if one party is a politician? That alone does not make a plot.)

And now she's given Radar what could be the most revelatory of the examples of Weiner's online dalliances we've seen. (Well, next to that picture of his dick.) Because if Nobles is telling the truth and the chat excerpts are real — which, when someone is looking to get people interested in a tell-all, is always an if — it looks like Anthony Weiner might have been looking to have a threesome with another guy. And not even in that "it's not gay because the two dudes will never, ever touch each other" kind of way:

"I'm not really talking about other chicks... How about with another guy?" Weiner asked Nobles.

"Hmmmm, haven't done it before," Nobles said.

"It can be hot," Weiner replies.

"Are you turned on by other guys?" Nobles asked.

"Well it depends on the guy, but generally yes," Weiner divulges.

Even if the chat is real, there's still no way to know if Weiner was actually attracted to guys even a little. After all, what someone says in online dirty talk and what they do in real life can be remarkably different. And it really doesn't, or shouldn't, matter to any of us now. Unless you happen to be a gay guy with a weird crush on him and now you think you might actually have a chance. In which case, congrats to you and I hope you have unlimited texting.

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