الثلاثاء، 17 يناير 2012

How to Stop Soda & Still Get Caffeine

How to Stop Soda & Still Get Caffeine
Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images
There are many good reasons for cutting soda out of your diet, ranging from the sugar in regular sodas to the high sodium count and empty calories in diet flavors. But habits are hard to break, and going cold turkey can make even the toughest person turn chicken. Caffeine is available in lots of other forms though.

Step 1

Substitute coffee for your first soda of the day. There is some evidence that coffee helps alleviate depression in women, and caffeine is considered safe at amounts of fewer than 500 milligrams per day, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Step 2

Drink iced tea instead of soda during the day. All teas contain similar amounts of caffeine to sodas and coffee. Green teas contain catechins that work as antioxidants to help combat the free radicals that may contribute to some cancers and certain of the less pleasant aspects of aging.

Step 3

Eat a small amount of good quality, bittersweet chocolate when you need a snack. Chocolate contains caffeine. It also contains phenolics, which are the same compounds in red wine that may help to prevent heart disease.

Tips and Warnings

  • Drink a shot of espresso in a glass of iced sparkling water when you’re craving something dark and bubbly.
  • Quiting caffeine consumption abruptly, or cold turkey, can cause headaches and other unpleasant side effects.

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